Client Agreement
​My terms of service applies to all forms of art from me, be it from a commission, design sale or a gift. Please read it thoroughly if you are considering purchasing anything from me.
​By commissioning me, and upon payment of an invoice for a digital illustration you consent to the following terms of service.
Last Update: 24/05/2020
Terms of Service
---- General Terms ----
I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason
Users found to be violating major rules of my TOS, falsely bidding, or repeatedly breaking minor rules despite warning, will be blocked from my art sales and adoptables.
Upon payment of a PayPal invoice sent by me, you agree to abide by my Terms of Service.
---- Payment and Refunds ----
All payments are to be made in USD, via Paypal invoice or through my Paypal.me link.
Devientart points are accepted for pieces under $20. Deviantart point payment MUST be made through their commission widget. If you send it by any other means I will send them back and ask you to resend them properly.
Payments must be made within 48 hours (2 days) of receiving the invoice. If you need more time, let me know and an extension or payment plan can be discussed.
All sales are final as soon as the piece has been completed.
Refunds are not allowed. A refund will immediately be issued in case of error on my part or incorrect payment.
If you issue a charge back on paypal you will be immediately blocked from purchasing my art/adoptables in the future and the rights to your piece will be revoked.
---- Process ----
Upon ordering, you will be added to my Trello queue
After payment has gone through I will provide you with a sketch within 1 week. You may ask to pay after receiving a sketch.
At the sketch stage you may ask for as many changes as you want. If you request changes, a new sketch will be sent in 1-3 days. A total of 3 re-works (defined as large changes requiring the re-drawing of the entire sketch) will be made before a price is added on ($0.50 per additional overhaul). Small changes require no additional fee.
Lineart commissions will receive the final with no other updates unless requested. 1 major change can be made to the final piece before a price is added on ($1-$3 per large change). Small changes require no additional fee.
Painted commissions will receive an additional update when colours have been blocked in. 1 major change can be made to the blocking piece, however composition changes will no longer be made. No major changes will be made to final painted pieces.
---- Terms of Use: Images ----
You may only use your artwork for personal use. You may not, under any circumstances, use the art for commercial purposes.
You may trade, resell or regift commissioned artwork WITH the design/character it was purchased for.
You may not assign a monetary value to gifted artwork.
You may not trace or alter the original artwork created by me.
You may not claim that you are the creator of the artwork
Please see my FAQ for where I am ok with my art being re-uploaded. Please ask permission to post it on other sites not listed and include a link for credit (for example, I do not want my art posted on Amino).
---- Terms of Use: Adoptables ----
Any adoptable of mine has no restrictions on use after purchase.
My original adopt art applies to all above rules under <Terms of Use: Images>
You may not commercially profit off of my original artwork, however you make make your own art and sell that. (ex. don't make a shirt out of my design using my art, but you can make a shirt out of my design using your own art)
You may resell at whatever price you see fit, regardless of added art or original purchase price.
Guest designs abide by their species' TOS. ​
---- Terms of Use: The Artist ----
I retain the intellectual property copyright to all my work.
I have the right to display all original artwork in my online galleries and use them for portfolio and/or promotional purposes. You may ask to keep your commission private and I will not upload it to my galleries
I will never resell or profit off of commissioned work.